Although earlier studies focused on the hormonal regulation of antral and p
reovulatory follicles, recent studies indicate the importance of the hormon
al control mechanism for preantral follicles. The endocrine hormone FSH is
not only a survival factor for early antral follicles but also a potent gro
wth and differentiation factor for preantral follicles. In addition, KGF se
creted by theca cells and c-kit ligand secreted by granulosa cells play par
acrine roles in the regulation of preantral follicle growth and development
. Furthermore oocyte-derived GDF-9 promotes the growth and differentiation
of early follicles by acting on somatic cells in the follicle. It is likely
that the genetic makeup of an oocyte could determine the secretion of oocy
te hormones which would, in turn, regulate the growth and differentiation o
f the surrounding somatic cells of that follicle. A better understanding of
the hormonal mechanisms underlying early follicle development could provid
e a refined culture system for the in vitro maturation of fertilizable oocy
tes and future design of fertility and contraceptive agents. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.