Objective: To determine the percentage of sporadic olivopontocerebellar atr
ophy (sOPCA) patients who later develop multiple system atrophy (MSA). Meth
ods: Observations of the course of 51 sOPCA patients 20 years of age or old
er initially evaluated in an ataxia clinic over 14 years and followed at 3-
to 6-month intervals for 3 months to 10 years (median 2.5 years, interquar
tile range 5 months to 4 years). Results: Seventeen patients evolved to dev
elop MSA, whereas the remaining 34 manifested only progressively worsening
cerebellar ataxia. The features of the MSA cases included autonomic failure
and parkinsonism in 10 patients, autonomic failure without parkinsonism in
six, and parkinsonism without autonomic failure in one. Using survival ana
lysis methods, the authors estimated that 24% of subjects in this populatio
n will evolve to MSA within 5 years of the onset of sOPCA symptoms (95% CI
10% to 36%). An older age at onset of symptoms and a shorter time from onse
t of symptoms to first presentation in a neurology specialty clinic were bo
th highly predictive of evolution to MSA. Six of the 17 patients who evolve
d to MSA died 4 months to 5 years after they had met diagnostic criteria fo
r MSA. The estimated median survival time from time of transition was 3.5 y
ears. In contrast, death occurred in only one of the 34 patients with sOPCA
who did not evolve to MSA. Autopsy examination of all six patients with MS
A who died confirmed the diagnosis. Conclusions: Approximately one-fourth o
f sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy patients will evolve to multiple sy
stem atrophy within 5 years, and this transition carries a poor prognosis f
or survival. Older age at onset of ataxia and earlier presentation in a neu
rologic specialty clinic predicted transition to MSA.