Two major epidemics of viral encephalitis occurred in Asia in 1997 and 1998
. The first was a re-emergence of neurovirulent strains of enterovirus 71,
which caused severe encephalomyelitis in children in Malaysia, Taiwan and J
apan, on a background of hand, foot and mouth disease. Necropsy studies of
patients who died of enterovirus 71 infection showed severe perivascular cu
ffing, parenchymal inflammation and neuronophagia in the spinal cord, brain
stem and diencephalon, and in focal areas in the cerebellum and cerebrum. A
lthough no viral inclusions were detected, immunohistochemistry showed vira
l antigen in the neuronal cytoplasm. Inflammation was often more extensive
than neuronal infection, suggesting that other factors, in addition to dire
ct viral cytolysis, may be involved in tissue damage. The second epidemic o
f viral encephalitis was the result of a novel paramyxovirus called Nipah,
which mainly involved pig handlers in Malaysia and Singapore. Pathological
evidence suggested that the endothelium of small blood vessels in the centr
al nervous system was particularly susceptible to infection. This led to di
sseminated endothelial damage and syncytium formation, vasculitis, thrombos
is, ischaemia and microinfarction. However, there was also evidence of neur
onal infection by the virus and this may also have contributed to the neuro
logical dysfunction in Nipah encephalitis. Some patients who seemed to reco
ver from the acute symptoms have been re-admitted with clinical findings su
ggestive of relapsing encephalitis. As these two epidemics indicate, the em
ergence and reemergence of viral encephalitides continue to pose considerab
le challenges to thp neuropathologist, in establishing the diagnosis unrave
lling the pathogenesis of the neurological disease.