K. Hesketh et al., The physics of plutonium fuels - A review of organization for economic cooperation and development/nuclear energy agency activities, NUCL TECH, 131(3), 2000, pp. 385-394
In 1993, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Nuclear
Energy Agency first convened the (W) under bar orking Group on the (P) unde
r bar hysics of (P) under bar lutorzium (R) under bar ecycle (WPPR) (now re
named the Working Party on the Physics of Plutonium Fuels and Innovative Fu
el Cycles). Since its inception, the WPPR (whose task has now been expanded
to include innovative fuel cycles) has published six volumes of detailed r
esults from analyses of plutonium fuel in pressurized water reactors and fa
st reactors. A seventh volume on the physics of plutonium fuel in boiling w
ater reactors is in preparation. The analyses have been mostly in the form
of theoretical benchmark exercises for situations beyond current experience
, for which multinational contributions provide a basis for comparison of d
iverse calculational methods and nuclear data libraries. The overall activi
ties of the WPPR are reviewed and summarized.