Alu repeats in K562 cells are unusually hypomethylated and far more activel
y transcribed than those in other human cell lines and somatic tissues. Als
o, the level of Alu RNA in K562 cells is relatively insensitive to cell str
esses, namely heat shock, adenovirus infection and treatment with cyclohexi
mide, which increase the abundance of Alu RNA in HeLa and 293 cells. Recent
advances in understanding the interactions between DNA methylation, transc
riptional activation and chromatin conformation reveal reasons for the cons
titutively high level of Alu expression in K562 cells, Methylation represse
s transcription of transiently transfected Alu templates in all cell lines
tested but cell stresses do not relieve this repression suggesting that the
y activate Alu transcription through another pathway, A relatively large fr
action of the Alus within K562 chromatin is accessible to restriction enzym
e cleavage and cell stresses increase the chromatin accessibility of Alus i
n HeLa and 293 cells, Cell stress evidently activates Alu transcription by
rapidly remodeling chromatin to recruit additional templates.