M. Elkhaimi et al., Combinatorial regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic gene expression by the UME6, SIN3 and RPD3 genes, NUCL ACID R, 28(16), 2000, pp. 3160-3167
The Ume6p-Sin3p-Rpd3p complex negatively regulates expression of genes cont
aining a Ume6p binding site. However, these regulatory proteins also functi
on independently to regulate gene expression both negatively and positively
. The model system for this combinatorial regulation is the yeast phospholi
pid biosynthetic pathway. Sin3p negatively regulates the INO1, CHO1, CHO2 a
nd OPI3 genes while Ume6p negatively regulates the INO1 gene and positively
regulates the other genes, We have suggested that the positive regulation
results from indirect effects on expression of the INO2 transcriptional act
ivator gene. Here, we demonstrate that the effect of Ume6p on INO2 gene exp
ression is also indirect. We also show that Rpd3p is a negative regulator o
f phospholipid biosynthetic gene expression. The ability of Ume6p, Sin3p an
d Rpd3p to differentially regulate expression of the phospholipid biosynthe
tic genes affects phospholipid composition. A sin3 mutant strain tacks dete
ctable levels of phosphatidylethanolamine and elevated levels of phosphatid
ylcholine (PC) and a rpd3 mutant strain has reduced revels of PC. These alt
erations in membrane composition suggest that there may exist additional di
fferences in regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic gene expression and th
at membrane compositions may be coordinated with other biological processes
regulated by Ume6p, Sin3p and Rpd3p.