The main purpose of this paper is to discuss conceptual and policy developm
ents for external quality assurance for nurse and midwifery education in En
gland. The current framework was implemented in the academic year 1998/99,
and is the subject of a three year evaluation commissioned by the English N
ational Board for Nursing. Midwifery & Health Visiting (ENB). The methods w
hich are being used to evaluate the quality assurance arrangements will be
discussed within the context of nursing and midwifery education and practic
e. The ultimate aim of body for nursing, midwifery and health visiting educ
ation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the changes proposed by the
government for nursing and midwifery education, and considers the potentia
l impact for quality assurance of health care education. professionally acc
redited nursing and midwifery education is to ensure the development of pra
ctitioners who are fit for purpose, practice and award. It follows that the
quality assurance processes should have the capacity to demonstrate the ex
tent to which professional education meets this aim. This paper will discus
s this issue, with particular emphasis on the collaborative review process
which is being undertaken by the Quality Assurance Agency and the statutory
body for nursing, midwifery and health visiting education. The paper concl
udes with a (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.