Objectives: To identify differences in health-related quality of life among
women veterans who were raped, physically assaulted (not in the context of
rape or domestic violence), both, or neither during military service.
Methods: We did a cross-sectional telephone survey of a national sample of
558 women veterans who served in Vietnam and subsequent eras of military se
rvice. A stratified survey design selected subjects according to era of ser
vice and location. The interview included socioeconomic information, lifeti
me violence history, the Women's Military Environment Survey to assess wome
n's military experiences, and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 to a
ssess health-related quality of life.
Results: Five hundred thirty-seven women completed the interview. Half (48%
) experienced violence during military service, including rape (30%), physi
cal assault (35%), or both (16%). Women who were raped or dually victimized
were more likely to report chronic health problems, prescription medicatio
n use for emotional problems, failure to complete college, and annual incom
es less than $25,000 (P < .05). Women who were physically assaulted or rape
d reported significantly lower health-related quality of life (P < .05). Th
ose who had both traumas reported the most severe impairment, comparable to
women with chronic illnesses.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the sequelae of violence against women
are an important public health concern. More than a decade after rape or p
hysical assault during military service, women reported severely decreased
health-related quality of life, with limitations of physical and emotional
health, educational and financial attainment, and severe, recurrent problem
s with work and social activities. (Obstet Gynecol 2000;96:473-80.).