The forms of Al for uptake by the roots and translocation from the root to
the shoot were investigated in a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, cv
. Jianxi) that accumulates Al in its leaves. The Al concentration ill the x
ylem sap was 15-fold higher in the plants exposed to AlCl3 than in those ex
posed to an Al-oxalate (1:3) complex, suggesting that the roots take up Al
in the ionic form. The Al concentration in the xylem sap was 4-fold higher
than that in the external solution after a 1-h exposure to AlCl3 solution a
nd 10-fold higher after a 2-h exposure. The Al concentration in the xylem s
ap increased with increasing Al concentration in the external solution. The
Al uptake was not affected by a respiratory inhibitor, hydroxylamine, but
significantly inhibited by the addition of La. These results suggest that A
l uptake by the root is a passive process, and La3+ competes for the bindin
g sites for Al3+ on the plasma membrane. The form of Al in the xylem sap wa
s identified by Al-27-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. The chemical shi
ft of Al-27 in the xylem sap was around 10.9 ppm, which is consistent with
that of the Al-citrate complex. Furthermore, the dominant organic acid in t
he xylem sag was citric acid, indicating that Al was translocated in the fo
rm of Al-citrate complex. Because Al is present as Al-oxalate (1:3) in the
root, the present data show that ligand exchange from oxalate to citrate oc
curs before Al is released to xylem.