Volcanic ocean islands are prone to structural failure of the edifice that
result in landslides that can generate destructive tsunamis. These island l
andslides range enormously in size, varying from small rock falls to giant
sector failures involving tens of cubic kilometers of debris. A survey of l
iterature has allowed us to identify twenty-three processes that contribute
to edifice collapse. These have been divided into endogenetic and exogenet
ic sources of edifice failure. Endogenetic sources of instability and failu
re include unstable foundations, volcanic intrusions, thermal alteration, e
difice pore pressures, unbuttressed structures, and buried faults. Exogenet
ic sources of instability and failure include collapse of subaerial or subm
arine deposits, endo-upwelling, karst megaporosity, fractures, oversteepeni
ng, overloading, sea-level change, marine erosion, weathering including hur
ricanes, glacial response, volcanic activity, regional uplift or subsidence
, tectonic seismicity and anthropogenic agents. While the endogenetic sourc
es dominate during periods of active volcanism and cone building, the exoge
netic sources may cause failure at any time. Tsunamis, both small and large
, are associated with these edifice failures.