We analyze the initiation and enlargement of the rupture surface of transla
tional landslides as a fracture phenomenon using a two-dimensional boundary
-element method. Both processes are governed largely by the stress field an
d the pre-existing planes of weakness in a slope. Near the ground surface,
the most compressive stress becomes either parallel or perpendicular to the
slope, depending on the topography and regional stresses. The shear stress
available to drive slope-parallel sliding in a uniform slope thus is small
, and therefore pre-existing weaknesses are required in many cases for slid
ing. Stresses in a uniform slope favor the initiation of sliding near the s
lope base. Sliding can progress upslope from there in retrogressive fashion
. Most slopes are not uniform and notches in a slope will concentrate stres
ses and generally promote sliding there. As the region of sliding at depth
enlarges, the stress concentration near the edge of the area of slip will t
end to rise. Stress concentrations can become sufficient to open fractures
above and below a basal slide plane, in keeping with observations. If one t
ip of a slide plane intersects the ground surface, then stresses near the o
ther tip can increase markedly, as can slip. Our analyses show that slope-p
arallel sliding along a plane at depth will cause downslope extension in th
e upslope half of a slide mass and shortening in the downslope half, consis
tent with observations. Displacement profiles that could be interpreted as
rotational can result from sliding along such a plane, however careful anal
ysis of surface deformation can be used to understand sliding at depth.