Real-time disk scheduling (RTDS) is important for time-critical multimedia
applications. In conventional approaches of real-time disk scheduling, such
as SCAN-EDF, the seek-optimizing SCAN scheme is applied to reduce the disk
service time of the real-time EDF schedule. Since only tasks with the same
deadline are seek-optimized, the obtained improvement of SCAN-EDF is limit
ed. In this paper, based on the maximum-scannable-group (MSG) concept, a de
adline-modification-scan (DMS or DM-SCAN) algorithm is proposed. Our algori
thm uses MSG to automatically decide the suitable task groups for seek-opti
mizing. Based on the MSG concept, we repeatedly apply DMS to further increa
se disk throughput to support more tasks. We have implemented the proposed
algorithm on UnixWare 2.01. The appropriate problem behaviors and parameter
values to yield good solutions are investigated. Experiments show that DMS
is better than conventional approaches in both the obtained disk throughpu
t and the supported tasks. Moreover, our proposed approach can schedule tas
k sets that are not schedulable by EDF and SCAN-EDF.