Uncertainty factors have been used for over 40 years to establish safe inta
kes of threshold toxicants. Tenfold factors are used to allow for species d
ifferences and for human variability, with extra factors for database inade
quacies. The proposal to introduce an additional 10-fold factor for pestici
des when exposure of infants and children is anticipated implies either age
-related differences between species or differences within humans which exc
eed those present in adults. Alternatively, the extra factor could be relat
ed to deficiencies of current testing methods or concerns over irreversibil
ity in developing organ systems. Available data do not provide a scientific
rationale for the extra factor due to inadequacy of inter- and intraspecie
s uncertainty factors. Justification for the factor therefore must relate t
o the adequacy and sensitivity of current methods or concern about irrevers
ible effects in the developing organism. (C) 2000 Academic Press.