For a quadratic extension E/F of a nonarchimedean local field of chara
cteristic other than 2, let G = U(n, n) be the quasisplit unitary grou
p of rank n, and let P be the maximal parabolic subgroup of G which st
a- bilizes a maximal isotropic subspace. Then P has a Levi decompositi
on P = MN with M similar or equal to GL(n, E). In this paper, the poin
ts of reducibility and composition series of the degenerate principal
series I-n(s, chi) defined by characters of M are determined completel
y. The constituents arising as theta lifts of characters of U(m)'s are
identified and their behavior under the intertwining operator Mts, ch
i): I-n(s, chi) --> I-n(-s, <(chi)over tilde>) is described. The case
E = F + F and G similar or equal to GL(2n, F) is included.