We report a new type of migraine associated epileptic syndrome in a family.
adult onset myoclonic epilepsy with benign course and migraine. Affected m
embers of the family had myoclonic and rare generalised tonic-clonic seizur
es. Most of the patients, but not all, had a history of migraine. Also, som
e cases of the family had only migraine. This family will be discussed beca
use of two distinct features. Firstly, in this family a different type of e
pilepsy, adult onset myoclonic epilepsy was diagnosed that has not been cla
ssified in the ILAE 1989, classification(s), but was similar to that previo
usly reported in Japanese families. Secondly, in most of the cases migraine
was associated with the epilepsy. (C) 2000 BEA Trading Ltd.