The geological provinces of central East and northeast Greenland host numer
ous mineral occurrences. Pre-Caledonian mineralization is scarce and its st
ructural affiliation is not always clear. Mineral occurrences related to Ca
ledonian lineaments comprise ores of tungsten, arsenic and antimony. Minera
l occurrences related to post-Caledonian Lineaments take the form of vein-t
ype mineralization, which is widespread along the eastern fault zone, and o
ccurrences of lead, zinc, copper and silver that are known along the lineam
ent from Jameson Land, Traill O, Gauss Halve and Hudson Land. Three major t
ypes of mineralization are related to the post-Caledonian evolution of East
Greenland: (1) epigenetic, mainly base-metal mineralization occurring over
a north-south extension of several hundred kilometres; (2) strata-bound-st
ratiform base-metal mineralization associated with red beds and carbonates;
and (3) molybdenum and base-metal mineralization related to Tertiary felsi
c, subvolcanic intrusions. Skarn formation is found in connection with Tert
iary mafic sill intrusions.
When the huge area of central and North-East Greenland is taken into consid
eration exploration activity has been sparingly funded and sporadic by comp
arison with other explored areas. The post-Caledonian area of East and Nort
h-East Greenland is a crustal extension regime with good potential for mine
ral deposit formation. Further exploration should be focused on the investi
gation of extension faults, wrench faults and zones of dilatation. These fl
uid pathways create alteration, which must be carefully studied to improve
understanding of the mineralizing system.