Four different compositions of Type 347 austenitic stainless steel were stu
died using Gleeble(TM)-based stress relaxation tests to evaluate susceptibi
lity to weld HAZ reheat cracking. Coupons extracted from plate were thermal
ly cycled to reproduce the coarse-grained region of the HAZ known to be mos
t prone to such cracking. These samples were then reheated to various PWHT
temperatures, and a strain comparable to 70% of the strain to cause yieldin
g at the temperature was applied. Force in the specimens was recorded for u
p to 3 h while this total strain was kept constant. Force vs. time curves f
or all samples exhibited an increase attributed to volumetric shrinkage upo
n precipitation of Nb-rich particles as confirmed by constant-stress tests.
Formation of Nb-rich precipitates strengthens the alloy and stress buildup
due to volumetric shrinkage in the age-hardening matrix leads to cracking
along grain boundaries when stress cannot relax fast enough by yielding or