Background: Since 1983 gastric banding has become a proven operative method
, which reduces effectively excess weight in morbid obesity. Gastric bandin
g has been popularized as a minimally invasive, completely reversible surgi
cal treatment for morbid obesity. We report here our 4 year experiences of
gastric banding with special reference to complications.
Patients and methods: There were 109 patients in total, of whom 92 were wom
en. Median age was 41.5 years (range 17-62 years) and median body-mass-inde
x (BMI) was 49.6 kg/m(2) (range 36.7-82.6 kg/m(2)). From February 1995 to J
une 1997 39 patients were operated upon with the open technique. In June 19
97 we started the laparoscopic gastric banding. 70 patients were treated wi
th this method from June 1997 to February 1999.
Results: The weight loss 6 months postoperatively after gastric banding was
35.3% and 12 months after the operation 43.0% of the overweight. In 17 cas
es a re-operation was necessary. Indications for re-operations included pou
ch dilatation in 4 cases, slippage in 3 cases and complications connected w
ith the port system. The operation technique and the kind of band fixation
influenced the frequency of complications.
Conclusions: A lot of complications especially after laparoscopic gastric b
anding can be prevented by a strong indication. Using the laparoscopic tech
nique complications like pouch dilatation are diminished compared to the op
en technique. A standardized operation technique decreases the complication
and re-operation rate. Conversions to the open technique were mostly neces
sary during the learning curve of LASGB (laparoscopic adjustable silicone g
astric banding).