Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract continues to be one
of the most difficult diagnostic challenges for surgical pathologists. Hist
ogenesis has been settled in favor of a divergent (mesenchymal) differentia
tion of a carcinoma, most often a squamous cell carcinoma. Finding the carc
inoma and/or its immunohistochemical marker in the metaplastic cells establ
ishes the diagnosis. There are, however, lesions that can simulate sarcomat
oid carcinomas to varying degrees, and in which neither a definable carcino
ma nor immunohistochemical evidence of one can be found. Such lesions fall
into several categories: 1. benign reactive lesions, 2. inflammatory myofib
roblastic tumors, 3. sarcomas, usually low-grade, 3. atypical pseudosarcoma
tous proliferation. The clinicopathologic considerations of sarcomatoid car
cinomas are presented in this context and include immunohistochemical findi
ngs, prognostic factors, and biologic course.