The effects on olive physiology of the application of ethrel at different c
oncentrations for the control of Phloeotribus scarabaeoides, by direct spra
ying or by placing dispensers, have been studied. Direct spraying on the pl
ant at ethrel concentrations above 0.05% resulted in advanced fruit maturat
ion. Although the 0.05% concentration does not produce this damage, it caus
es a long-term leaf drop. Furthermore, this concentration is not attractive
enough for an efficient control of P. scarabaeoides. On the contrary, the
use of dispensers containing ethrel concentrations up to 1% does not affect
the plant negatively. These results are a first step in the development of
a control strategy for P. scarabaeoides, by means, of trap-trees, using et
hylene dispensers as an alternative to direct spraying with ethrel.