To gain further insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in acute re
nal failure, we have isolated a new gene from rat and human, named KSP32 (k
idney-specific protein with a molecular mass of 32 kDa). KSP32 encodes a no
vel gene that shows little homology to other mammalian proteins. It, howeve
r, shares extensive homology with several proteins found in the nematode Ca
enorhabditis elegans and plants. The expression of KSP32 mRNA is highly res
tricted to kidney. In situ hybidization analysis revealed that the expressi
on of KSP32 mRNA was prominent in the boundary of kidney cortex and outer m
edulla, exhibiting a raylike formation extending from the medulla into the
cortex. Finally, KSP32 mRNA was dramatically downregulated in rat following
induction of acute ischemic renal failure. Rapid loss of KSP32 mRNA expres
sion was observed beginning at similar to 5 h following renal injury and mR
NA levels remained depressed for at least 96 h. Both KSP32 mRNA levels as w
ell as renal function recovered 14 days after injury. Administration of an
endothelin receptor antagonist (SB-209670), known to restore renal function
, significantly increased KSP32 expression.