We developed a canopy growth model to analyse the importance of different s
tructural properties in the formation of equilibrium leaf area index in a P
opulus tremula canopy. The canopy was divided into vertical layers with the
growth and structural parameters of each layer dependent on light conditio
ns. Horizontal heterogeneity was considered through clumping parameter. The
principle growth parameters considered were long shoot bifurcation ratio,
number of short shoots produced by one-year-old long shoot, short shoot sur
vival and number of leaves per shoot. Parameter values and relationships ar
e based on field measurements of an aspen stand in Jarvselja, Estonia. Depe
nding on initial conditions, leaf area index reaches the steady state in 5-
20 years. The value of initial density of long shoots affects the time need
ed to achieve equilibrium but has little influence on final LAI value. The
most influential parameters in predicting the final LAI are thus of the rel
ationship between long shoot bifurcation ratio and light.