Mantoux test expresses a delayed hypersensitivity induced after either BCG
vaccination or a BK contact. In France, a purified protein fraction is used
. The quality of technique and lecture are essential. The lowest positivity
limit is > 5mm. Sensitivity and specificity are unperfect. For the interpr
etation of positivity, the most important factors are the age of vaccinatio
n (the younger the child is, the lower the reaction is) and the infection p
revalence rate in the group considered (the lowest if is, the highest a cri
teria may be used for induration > 15mm). The background is most important
for interpretation. The main situations are a postvaccinal test, a diagnosi
s of infection (or illness) or the environment of a contagious adult. A lot
of situations are less clear and require the knowing of a risk factor (ris
k people, contage...). In spite of these limits, Mantoux test is the only v
alid technique, useful when considered with other points: collective (preva
lence of the illnesss in some groups) or individual (contage, clinical or r
adiological signs...). (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevie
r SAS.