A. Marquand et al., Validation of a clinical prediction rule for the prediction of renal artery stenoses in hypertension resisting to treatment., ARCH MAL C, 93(8), 2000, pp. 1041-1045
Purpose: to perform an external validation of: the clinical prediction rule
established by Krijnen et al. (Ann intern Med 1998; 129 : 705-11) designed
to identify renal artery stenoses (RAS) in hypertensive patients.
Methods: we included 102 patients with a refractory hypertension treated wi
th at least two antihypertensive drugs. All subjects had the research of RA
S by renal angiography, or angio-computed tomography, or doppler ultrasound
. Probability to detect RAS was calculated with Krijnen's algorithm (Pre-te
st probability) from the following parameters: age, smoking status, diffuse
atherosclerosis, recent hypertension (<2 y), obesity (BMI>25), abdominal b
ruit, hypercholesterolemia (>6,5 mmol/L), creatinine. ROC curves were plott
ed for each pre-test probability value. A "post-test probability" was obtai
ned from the likelihood ratio calculated at each pre-test probability level
Results: RAS prevalence in this population was 49%. Area under the ROC curv
e was 0.79 and Youden index was maximal for a pre-test probability of 15%.
Maximal likelihood ratio was obtained for a pre-test probability of 46%. Ta
ble shows post-test probability as a function of pre-test probability obtai
ned with Krijnen's algorithm.
Conclusion: Krijnen's algorithm is valid in a population of resistant hyper
tensives treated with a bitherapy. This external validation obtained on a p
opulation with a high prevalence of RAS should also be tested on a populati
on with a lower prevalence of SAR.