Background: Gastrin is a trophic hormone and promotes growth of gastrointes
tinal and nongastrointestinal cancers. Studies both in vitro and in vivo ha
ve suggested that pancreatic cancer cells not only have the ability to resp
ond to circulating forms of gastrin but also to respond to the autocrine pr
oduction of gastrin and its precursors. The aim of this study was to identi
fy the expression of CCK-B/gastrin receptor, progastrin, glycine-extended g
astrin and amidated gastrin in both normal pancreas and pancreatic adenocar
Methods: Tissue sections from patients with normal pancreas (n = 10) and pa
ncreatic cancer (n = 22) were assessed using immunohistochemical methods fo
r CCK-B/gastrin receptor, progastrin, glycine-extended gastrin and amidated
gastrin expression.
Results: Normal pancreas showed no expression of receptor or gastrin isofor
ms except for occasional cells in the islets, Definite expression of CCK-B/
gastrin receptor, progastrin, glycine-extended gastrin and amidated gastrin
was observed in 95, 91, 55 and 23 per cent of sections from patients with
pancreatic cancer respectively.
Conclusion: Pancreatic cancer cells express CCK-B/gastrin receptor and gast
rin precursor forms in most patients. Expression of the gastrin precursor f
orms is probably related to autocrine production. New therapeutic strategie
s need to be developed for the management of pancreatic cancer. Targeting g
astrin and its receptor may provide a novel treatment option.