Autosomal genes that are subject to random allelic Inactivation (RAI), like
imprinted genes [1] and genes subject to X-inactivation Gal, require mecha
nisms that dictate the differential transcriptional regulation of two seque
nce-identical alleles. RAI genes include olfactory receptor genes [3], and
the various genes encoding antigen receptors on lymphocytes (immunoglobulin
genes, T cell receptor genes and NK receptor genes [4-7]). These observati
ons raise the possibility that other genes might be similarly regulated. Mo
reover, an interesting possibility is that certain genes might be monoallel
ically expressed in some cells and biallelically expressed in others. Recen
tly, reports of monoallelic expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) [8,9] and IL
-4 [10,11] have raised the possibility that the cytokine gene family may be
subject to monoallelic expression. Another report suggests that the gene e
ncoding the transcription factor Pax-5, which is involved in B-cell (and ce
rebellar) development [12,13], is also subject to monoallelic expression [1
4]. Using a novel single-cell reverse transcription-polymerase chain reacti
on (RT PCR) approach, we have analyzed the IL-2 and Pax-5 genes in mice. We
found that IL-2 is monoallelically transcribed in some T cells and biallel
ically transcribed in others, raising interesting questions regarding cytok
ine gene regulation. Additionally, our analyses suggest that Pax-5 is consi
stently biallelically transcribed. Thus, the IL-2 gene and other cytokine g
enes may be regulated in a stochastic manner that results in 0, 1 or 2 alle
les of a given cytokine gene expressed in each T cell. This type of regulat
ion could account for the wide variety of different combinations of cytokin
e genes expressed in individual T cells and therefore plays a role in the g
eneration of T cells with a range of different effector functions. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.