OBJECTIVE - The authors developed and validated a semi-structured interview
the Diabetes Self-Management Profile (DSMP), to measure self-management of
type 1 diabetes. The DSMP includes the following regimen components: exerc
ise, management of hypoglycemia, diet, blood glucose testing, and insulin a
dministration and dose adjustment.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Families of youths with type 1 diabetes (n =
105) who were entering a controlled trial of intensive therapy (IT) versus
usual care (UC) were administered the DSMP Analyses assessed the reliabilit
y and validity of the DSMP, including its associations with HbA(1c) and qua
lity of life.
RESULTS - The DSMP total score has adequate internal consistency (Cronbach'
s alpha 0.76), 3-month test-retest reliability (Pearson correlation, r = 0.
67), inter-interviewer agreement (r = 0 94), and parent-adolescent agreemen
t (r = 0.61). DSMP total scores (r = -0.28) and 3 subscales correlated sign
ificantly with HbA(1c) (diet [r = -0.27], blood glucose testing [r = - 0.37
], and insulin administration and dose adjustment [r = -0.25]). Adolescents
' reports of self-management did not differ from parental reports. Higher D
SMP scores were associated with more favorable quality of life for mothers
and youths.
CONCLUSIONS - The DSMP is a convenient measure that yields a reliable and v
alid assessment of diabetes self-management. Compared with extant similar m
easures, the DSMP is more strongly correlated with HbA(1c).