The International Virtual Design Studio (MIVDS) that was originated between
the Departments of Mechanical Engineering of Union College (UC) and the Mi
ddle East Technical University (METU) is now extended to include the Mechan
ical Engineering Department at Queen's University in Canada, the Computer S
ystems Engineering/Electrical Engineering Department at UC, and the Electri
cal/Electronics Engineering Department of METU, The design teams that parti
cipate in this project are composed of various combinations of mechanical,
electrical, and computer systems engineering students, Design project topic
s are selected to cover mechatronic concepts that force students toward mec
hatronic design solutions, After gears of experience, it is now possible to
draw some conclusions and report on the concept and implementation of the
multidisciplinary IVDS (MIVDS) project. One important conclusion is that a
strong combination of institutional support and multidisciplinary faculty c
ommitment is required for project initiation. Success in MIVDS is highly de
pendent on well-defined project specifications, a single source of project
information, incentives for students to participate, travel to participatin
g countries, a balanced team structure, common design and productivity tool
s, 24-hour access to MIVDS facilities, and participation by all students in
the manufacturing phase of the project.