In randomized experiments, analysis of covariance is used to increase preci
sion of treatment comparisons. However, for factors that are observational
(e.g., breed) or for covariates measured after treatments are applied, it m
ay not be biologically meaningful to calculate treatment means adjusted to
a common value of the covariate. For example, in beef cattle trials, it may
not be meaningful to compare hot carcass weights of medium- and large-fram
ed breeds adjusted to a common weaning weight because the breeds have natur
ally different mean weights at weaning. If done, this would typically resul
t in an undesirable downward adjustment of mean carcass weight for the larg
e-framed breed and upward adjustment of the mean carcass weight for the sma
ll-framed breed. However, it is desirable to evaluate the mean carcass weig
ht for two diets, adjusted to a common weaning weight. Because of randomiza
tion, the expected weaning weights of animals on the two diets are equal an
d hence the only effect of covariance adjustment is to increase precision o
f the diet comparison. This paper presents the statistical methodology for
estimating covariance adjusted means (termed partially adjusted means) when
the levels of some of the factors are compared at a common value of the co
variate but the levels of other factors are compared at differing values of
the covariate. The methodology is extended to include several covariates,
several factors, and arbitrary interactions among covariates, among factors
, and between factors and covariates. These methods can be implemented usin
g existing statistical software for linear models. Data are presented from
an experiment in which hot carcass weight was recorded for beef cattle. Ana
lyses of these data illustrate that adjusted means, partially adjusted mean
s, and unadjusted means may differ substantially in magnitude, significance
, and in the ranking of treatments.