Zooplankton in the central jet of the California Current and an adjacent me
soscale cyclonic eddy centered at 125.1 degrees W, 38.4 degrees N were stud
ied in early July, 1993, using a SeaSoar-mounted Optical Plankton Counter.
Within 3 d after the 2 d survey of these mesoscale features we completed a
MOCNESS transect across the study area. Zooplankton in the rapidly moving (
>40 cm s(-1) near surface) jet were negatively correlated with the vertical
distribution of phytoplankton biomass, which displayed strong fluorescence
maxima in the upper 200 m. Zooplankton in the recirculating eddy, however,
were positively correlated with fluorescence maxima at the pycnocline (ca
50 m) and at 150 m. Euphausiids, dominated by Euphausia pacifica, and the c
opepod Calanus pacificus accounted for most of the zooplankton in the upper
50 m of the eddy, while the copepod Metridia pacifica dominated the abunda
nce maximum of medium size zooplankton at 150 m. These species were also pr
esent in the jet, but male:female ratios of the 2 copepod species differed
greatly, suggesting that populations within the jet and the eddy were disti
nct from one another. Earlier observations of the cyclonic eddy indicate th
at it departed California coastal waters in April; resident zooplankton pop
ulations may have gone through several generations before they reached the
position at which we found it in July. Waters of the jet, by contrast, prob
ably departed from the California coastal region in mid-June, so that its p
opulations of zooplankton may have been essentially the same as those advec
ted to our sampling location.