OBJECTIVES. Although widely used and reported in research for the evaluatio
n of groups, measures of health status and health-related quality of life h
ave had little application in clinical practice for the assessment of indiv
idual patients. One of the principal barriers is the demonstration that the
se measures add clinically significant information to measures of function
or symptoms alone. Here, we review the methods for evaluation of construct
validity in longitudinal studies and make recommendations for nomenclature,
reporting of study results, and future research agenda.
METHODS. Analytical review.
RESULTS. The terms "sensitivity" and "responsiveness" have been used interc
hangeably, and there are few studies that evaluate the extent to which heal
th status or health-related quality-of life measures capture clinically imp
ortant changes ("responsiveness"). Current methods of evaluating responsive
ness are not standardized or evaluated. Approaches for the assessment of a
clinically significant or meaningful change are described; rather than norm
ative information, however, standardized transition questions are proposed.
They would be reported routinely and as separate axes of description to ca
pture individual perceptions.
CONCLUSIONS. Research in methods to assess the subject's evaluation of the
importance and magnitude of a measured change are critical if health status
and health-related quality-of-life measures are to have an impact on patie
nt care.