Background: Glucagonoma is a rare pancreatic tumor of islet alpha 2 cells.
Fewer than 200 cases have been reported worldwide, with an estimated incide
nce of 1 in 20 million. In general, the disease is characterized by a well-
defined clinical syndrome which typically shows as necrotic migratory eryth
ema of the skin, weight loss, diabetes mellitus, anemia, cheilosis and stom
atitis. Since pancreatic glucagonomas are predominantly located in the tail
and findings of radiographic or sonographic examination can remain unspeci
fic, patients often present already metastasis when diagnosis is first esta
Case Report: We report the case of a 67-year-old mail with an extended mali
gnant glucagonoma of the pancreas infiltrating already the hilus of the spl
een and, additionally, presenting metastatic lesions in the liver and the l
eft adrenal gland. A monohormonal expression of glucagon could be ascertain
ed by serological and immunohistochemical analysis. The special feature of
this case is that the tumor was not associated with the characteristic skin
Conclusion: An unclear migratory erythema combined with diabetes mellitus a
nd stomatitis/cheilosis should lead to the differential diagnosis of glucag
onoma. Isolated glucagonomas are very difficult to find out and often diagn
osed already presenting metastasis.