The study of the interaction of the solar wind with magnetized and unmagnet
ized planets forms a central topic of space research. Focussing on planetar
y magnetosheaths, we review some major developments in this field. Magnetos
heath structures depend crucially on the orientation of the interplanetary
magnetic field, the solar wind Alfven Mach number, the shape of the obstacl
e (axisymmetric/non-axisymmetric, etc.), the boundary conditions at the mag
netopause (low/high magnetic shear), and the degree of thermal anisotropy o
f the plasma. We illustrate the cases of Earth, Jupiter and Venus. The terr
estrial magnetosphere is axisymmetric and has been probed in situ by many s
pacecraft. Jupiter's magnetosphere is highly non-axisymmetric. Furthermore,
we study magnetohydrodynamic effects in the Venus magnetosheath.