In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, pregnant males provide all parental care
. Females are able to produce more eggs than males can brood, and consequen
tly females compete more intensely for males than do males, a phenomenon de
fined as sex-role reversal. As the genetic mating system influences the ope
ration of sexual selection, we investigate variation in one phenotypic comp
onent of male quality, female body size, as a possible proximate influence
on mating system variation in S. typhle. Breeding trials were employed, eac
h consisting of a single receptive male with four adult females. In each re
plicate, a focal male was paired either with a set of small or with a set o
f large females. Males were allowed to mate freely, and after several weeks
of brood development, maternity of the progeny was resolved using three mi
crosatellite loci. Males with access either to small or to large females su
ccessfully mated with a mean of 2.1 or 1.3 females, respectively, a signifi
cant difference. Results indicate that variation in female size can affect
the mating system and thereby influence sexual selection in pipefish. Thus,
the high rate of multiple mating by S. typhle males in the wild may be exp
lained in part by the extensive size variation in naturally occurring, sexu
ally mature females.