Biochemical markers of bone turnover provide a means of evaluating skeletal
dynamics that complements static measurements of bone mineral density (BMD
). This review evaluates the use of commercially available bone turnover ma
rkers as aids in diagnosis and monitoring response to treatment in patients
with osteoporosis. High within-person variability complicates but does not
preclude their use. Elevated bone resorption markers appear to be associat
ed with increased fracture risk in elderly women, but there is less evidenc
e of a relationship between bone formation markers and fracture risk. The c
ritical question of predicting fracture efficacy with treatment has not bee
n answered. Changes in bone markers as currently determined do not predict
BMD response to either bisphosphonates or hormone replacement therapy. Sing
le measurements of markers do not predict BMD cross-sectionally (except pos
sibly in the very elderly), or change in BMD in individual patients, either
treated or untreated. On the other hand, research applications of bone tur
nover markers are of value in investigating the pathogenesis and treatment
of bone diseases. Markers have potential in the clinical management of oste
oporosis, but their use in this regard is not established. Additional studi
es with fracture endpoints and information on negative and positive predict
ive value are needed to evaluate fully the utility of bone turnover markers
in individual patients.