BACKGROUND. Xeroderma pigmentostrm is an extremely rave, autosomal rec
essive disease characterized by a more than 1000-fold increase in nonm
elanoma skin cancer. Individuals with this disease can be divided into
eight complementation groups: A-G and V for variant. Each one represe
nts a different genetic defect in DNA repair. OBJECTIVE. To review the
molecular basis of xeroderma pigmentosum. RESULTS. Deficiencies in va
rious gene products in the nucleotide excision repair pathway cause xe
roderma pigmentosum in complementation groups A-G. The molecular basis
of the variant group remains to be elucidated. CONCLUSIONS. Research
into the genetic defects underlying xeroderma pigmentostrm have led to
an increased understanding of nucleotide excision repair. (C) 1997 by
the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.