Cytosolic proteolysis is carried out predominantly by the proteasome. We sh
ow that a large oligopeptidase, tripeptidylpeptidase II (TPPII), can compen
sate for compromised proteasome activity. Overexpression of TPPII is suffic
ient to prevent accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins and allows survi
val of EL-4 cells at otherwise lethal concentrations of the covalent protea
some inhibitor NLVS (NIP-leu-leu-leu-vinylsulfone). Elevated TPPII activity
also partially restores peptide loading of MHC molecules. Purified proteas
omes from adapted cells lack the chymotryptic-like activity, but still degr
ade longer peptide substrates via residual activity of their Z subunits. Ho
wever, growth of adapted cells depends on induction of other proteolytic ac
tivities. Therefore, cytosolic oligopeptidases such as TPPII normalize rate
s of intracellular protein breakdown required for normal cellular function
and viability.