The strength and integrity of our bones depends on maintaining a delicate b
alance between bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteobl
asts. As we age or as a result of disease, this delicate balancing act beco
mes tipped in favor of osteoclasts so that bone resorption exceeds bone for
mation, rendering bones brittle and prone to fracture, A better understandi
ng of the biology of osteoclasts and osteoblasts is providing opportunities
for developing therapeutics to treat diseases of bone. Drugs that inhibit
the formation or activity of osteoclasts are valuable for treating osteopor
osis, Paget's disease, and inflammation of bone associated with rheumatoid
arthritis or periodontal disease. Far Less attention has been paid to promo
ting bone formation with, for example, growth factors or hormones, an appro
ach that would be a valuable adjunct therapy for patients receiving inhibit
ors of bone resorption.