Tb. Kennedy et al., A comparison of riparian condition and aquatic invertebrate community indices in central Nevada, WEST N AM N, 60(3), 2000, pp. 255-272
The importance of maintaining healthy riparian communities to sustain natur
al stream processes and function is well documented. Land management agenci
es in the West are currently developing methods to assess and monitor ripar
ian community condition to adapt land use practices that would better prote
ct rangeland ecosystems. To determine whether these methods also provide an
indication of abiotic and biotic stream condition, we compared the classif
ication system of riparian communities developed by the U.S. Forest Service
(USFS) to physical parameters of stream condition and to aquatic invertebr
ate community assemblages. Thirty-three sites in 19 different streams of th
e Toiyabe Range in central Nevada were measured for water quality substrate
characteristics, and fish abundance and diversity, We sampled aquatic inve
rtebrates and calculated community indices based on environmental tolerance
levels. taxonomic diversity; and abundance of sensitive taxa. USFS personn
el classified these sites by dominant riparian plant community type (meadow
, willow, or aspen) and ecological status (low, moderate, or high) using pl
ant abundance data, rooting depth, and soil infiltration to determine simil
arities to potential natural communities.
Riparian condition indices as well as community diversity were significantl
y correlated to proportions of fine and small-diameter substrate in streamb
eds. Accumulation of silt was significantly related to plant community type
, with meadow sites expressing highest proportions. Further examinations in
dicated that 2 of 6 invertebrate community indices were significantly relat
ed to ecological status, with highest diversity levels occurring mainly in
willow- and aspen-dominated sites in moderate ecological condition. Neverth
eless, we show that several other environmental variables, including substr
ate characteristics, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and species richn
ess of fish communities, were more strongly and consistently related to inv
ertebrate assemblage patterns. Our results demonstrate that information on
aquatic invertebrates and stream condition could augment the existing ripar
ian classification system and provide useful monitoring tools to more thoro
ughly examine ecosystem health in rangelands.