Lymphoma presenting as a solitary tumor of peripheral nerve is exceedingly
rare, with only six previously reported cases. The authors describe an addi
tional four cases of primary lymphoma of peripheral nerve involving the sci
atic nerve (two cases), the radial nerve, and the sympathetic chain and spi
nal nerve. The patients were two men and two women with an average age of 5
5.5 years. All tumors were high-grade B-cell lymphomas. Two patients experi
enced relapse of disease with involvement of other nervous system sites and
died of lymphoma. One patient is alive with stable local disease at 57 mon
ths. The fourth patient is alive with no evidence of disease at 54 months.
Expression of neural cell adhesion molecule (CD56) has been reported to cor
relate with an increased incidence of central nervous system involvement in
peripheral T-cell lymphoma; all their cases were CD56 negative. Recent rep
orts indicate a high proportion of primary brain lymphomas show loss of CDK
N2A/p16 gene expression. Therefore, CDKN2A/p16 was evaluated in their patie
nts both by polymerase chain reaction and by immunohistochemistry for the p
16 protein. The authors found homozygous deletion of the CDKN2A/p16 gene in
one of three patients studied, confirmed immunohistochemically by absent s
taining for p16. The fourth patient showed absent staining for p16, suggest
ing inactivation of the gene in this case as well. The two patients with p1
6 loss both died of lymphoma, whereas the two patients with normal p16 expr
ession are alive. Primary lymphoma of peripheral nerve is a rare neoplasm,
usually of large B-cell type, has a variable prognosis, and appears to have
less consistent loss of p16 expression than primary central nervous system