Clusters of heavy metal atoms in strong femtosecond laser-light fields unde
rgo multi-ionization with the loss of hundreds of electrons. The cross sect
ion largely exceeds that of corresponding isolated atoms, which leads in th
e case of Pb-N to a complete ionization of the 4f shell with a light intens
ity of 1.2 x 10(15) W/cm(2). Experimental investigations on Pb and Pt clust
ers with variable pulse widths and, for the first time, with the pump&probe
technique give insight into the dynamics of the coupling of electromagneti
c radiation into the clusters. Both approaches support the picture accordin
g to which, after an initial charging, the clusters expand due to Coulomb f
orces. This expansion is accompanied by a reduction of the electron density
and at the same time by an increase of the optical sensitivity. Once the p
lasmon energy of the diluted nanoplasma approaches the photon energy, the c
harging efficiency increases significantly. The experimental observations a
re confirmed by random-phase approximation (RPA) calculations of the optica
l response, including molecular-dynamics simulations of the expanding syste