The primary diagnostic procedure for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disord
er (ADHD) is the clinical interview, because psychological, neuropsychologi
cal, and neurological tests to dare have not had sufficient specificity: Cu
rrently there is no objective means to measure severity of ADHD, or the ext
ent to which it is benefited by various dosages of medication. We recently
reported that a certain EEG profile, the Consistency Index, occurring durin
g the transition between hco easy cognitive tasks clearly differentiated AD
HD from non-ADHD boys between the ages of 8 and 12. The current study repli
cated this with older males (19-25) using different tasks, and a double bli
nd, placebo versus Ritalin(R) controlled crossover design. Seven ADHD subje
cts were found to have a significantly lower Consistency Index than 6 non-A
DHD males while transitioning from 2 Simple tasks during placebo condition,
while only the ADHD subjects demonstrated a significant improvement in the
ir Consistency Index while on Ritalin(R). Similar but nonsignificant trends
Mere observed while transitioning across Hard tasks.