Adult longevity, fecundity, and fertility of Mexican rice borer, Eoreu
ma loftini (Dyar), females mated at 0, 1, 3, and 5 d after eclosion we
re examined under reversed photoperiodic and thermoperiodic conditions
. Mating delays of 1 to 5 d did not significantly affect longevity. On
e- to 5-d delays in mating reduced fecundity primarily by shortening t
he oviposition period; however, females did not oviposit their entire
egg complement regardless of mating age. The proportion of fertile egg
s was not significantly reduced by mating delays of <5 d. Fertility wa
s reduced by mating delays of 3 or 5 d, but these reductions were > 50
% only when mating was delayed for 5 d. Substantial reductions in fert
ility of E. loftini populations in response to synthetic pheromone app
lications would probably require that mating of most females be disrup
ted or delayed for >5 d.