(H2O)-O-15-PET was used to investigate changes in regional cerebral blood f
low in response to auditory stimulation in patients in the vegetative state
. Five patients in a vegetative state of hypoxic origin were compared with
18 age-matched controls, In addition, the cerebral metabolism of these pati
ents and 53 age-matched controls was studied using [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose
. In control subjects, auditory click stimuli activated bilateral auditory
cortices [Brodmann areas (BA) 41 and 42] and the contralateral auditory ass
ociation cortices (BA 22), In the patients, although resting metabolism was
decreased to 61% of normal values, bilateral auditory areas 41 and 42 show
ed activation as seen in the controls, but the temporoparietal junction cor
tex (BA 22) failed to be activated. Moreover, the auditory association cort
ex was functionally disconnected from the posterior parietal association ar
ea (BA 40), the anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24) and the hippocampus, as r
evealed by psychophysiological interaction analysis. Thus, despite altered
resting metabolism, the auditory primary cortices were still activated duri
ng external stimulation, whereas hierarchically higher-order multimodal ass
ociation areas were not. Such a cascade of functional disconnections along
the auditory cortical pathways, from the primary auditory areas to multimod
al and limbic areas, suggests that the residual cortical processing observe
d in the vegetative state cannot lead to the integrative processes that are
thought to be necessary for the attainment of the normal level of awarenes