Objects: Intradural perimedullary spinal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a s
ynonym for type IV spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM). It is an import
ant clinical differential diagnosis in all patients with slowly progressive
or acute spinal symptoms. Perimedullary AVFs are rare in the paediatric ag
e group. We report the treatment regimen and the clinico-radiological findi
ngs for these malformations at our institution. Methods: Of four paediatric
patients, three individuals with persistent fistulas after endovascular tr
eatment were operated on. The malformations were obliterated completely in
all patients without any morbidity. In three patients previously documented
neurological symptoms resolved during follow-up. Conclusions: If slowly pr
ogressive or acute radicular or medullary symptoms arise in children, a spi
nal arteriovenous malformation should be ruled out by MRI. A combined endov
ascular and surgical treatment of paediatric spinal AVM type IV (perimedull
ary AVFs) carries a low risk of morbidity and is reasonably effective.