The aim of the present study was to evaluate prospectively the dynamics of
the FMR1 gene. The risk of full mutation among pregnant women and the carri
ers, and the risk of expansion of a premutation allele to a full mutation w
ere estimated. We identified 89 pregnant women with an expanded FMR1 gene s
eeking prenatal diagnosis. Amniocentesis or chorion villus sampling (CVS) w
as offered and a DNA test of the FMR1 gene was carried out in such pregnanc
ies. The overall risk of full mutation among women (N = 21) with a repeat s
ize between 60 and 80 was 4.8% (one fetus with mosaicism), and the risk of
expansion of the premutation allele to a full mutation was 14% in those off
spring to whom the premutation allele was transmitted. The risk of full mut
ation among the carriers (N = 13) with a repeat size between 81 and 100 was
61.5% (8/13), and the risk of expansion of a premutation allele to a full
mutation was 89%. Only one case fell into the category of 101-200 repeats,
and expansion to a full mutation was recorded. Fetuses of full mutation mot
hers inherited the larger allele in 64% (14/22) of the cases.
The range of 40-59 repeats was safe: there were no fetal full mutations. Th
e risk of full mutation was also low among the subjects with a repeat size
between 60 and 80, whereas the risk increased significantly after 80 repeat
s. Maternal premutation size was positively correlated with the risk of hav
ing a full mutation offspring.