Aims: The aim of this study was to establish whether changes in parameters
reflecting myocardial ischemia QRS vector difference (QRS-VD), ST change ve
ctor magnitude (STC-VM) and ST vector magnitude (ST-VM6) during hemodialysi
s (HD) registered by MIDA (myocardial infarction dynamic analysis) are rela
ted to changes in blood volume (BV), extracellular water (ECW) and blood bi
ochemistry, Patients and methods. Fifteen hemodialysis (HD) patients were s
tudied. Computerized vectorcardiography was used for on-line dynamic analys
is of ST segment and QRS complex changes. BV changes were monitored non-inv
asively and continuously with the GRIT-LINE instrument. Bioelectric impedan
ce analysis (BIA) was used for ECW estimation. Blood samples were taken bef
ore and after hemodialysis for hemoglobin (B-Hb), hematocrit (B-Hcr), sodiu
m (P-Na), chloride (P-Cl) magnesium (P-Mg), potassium (P-K), ionized calciu
m (P-iCa), phosphate (P-Pi) and astrup measurement. Results: During dialysi
s treatment QRS-VD, ST-VM6 acid STC-VM did not change in parallel. Accordin
g to the linear mixed model, no statistically significant changes were note
d in ST-VM6 during dialysis (time effect p = 0.5635). On the other hand, QR
S-VD and STC-VM showed a statistically significant linear trend (time effec
t for QRS-VD p = 0.0001 and for STC-VM p = 0.0004). Changes in both ECW and
BV affected the change in QRS-VD and in STC-VM. Conclusion: During HD trea
tment changes in the vectorcardiographic ischemia monitoring parameters QRS
-VD and STC-VM are mostly related to ECW and BV changes and may give a fals
e positive impression of myocardial ischemia. The ST-VM6 trend is less mark
edly influenced by volume changes.