This paper discusses an integrated data-modelling concept to monitor the se
asonal variability of suspended particulate matter (SPM) patterns in the No
rth Sea. It covers two aspects. First, the use of SPM transport model data
to retrieve SPM concentrations from NOAA/AVHRR reflectance imagery by impro
ving the algorithm to convert the reflectance data to SPM concentrations an
d to generate synoptic SPM images which are consistent in time. Second, the
use of these observed SPM concentrations as model output targets to assess
the sensitivity of the model performance for various model input parameter
s in some initial model set-ups, for example, the loads and dumping, the cr
itical shear stress for erosion and sedimentation and settling velocity.
The sensitivity analysis is based on the definition of a so-called Goodness
-of-Fit (GoF) criterion (also denoted as cost-function) being a measure to
quantify the difference bt tween the model output and the model output targ
ets, which is derived from both synoptic NOAA/AVHRR imagery and in situ con
centration data. Key element in this approach is the requirement that a GoF
criterion is defined that mimics the main features of the end-user require
ments (i.e. the modelling objective) and the associated characteristic leng
th and time scales.
The sensitivity analysis is carried out by means of the adjoint model which
is shown to provide a detailed, that is fully spatially and temporally dis
tributed, insight into the model sensitivities,
The objective of this chapter is to describe the components in the integrat
ed use of observations and models as outlined above. This approach is demon
strated in a number of case studies of SPM transport in the Dutch Coastal Z
one and in the North Sea. From the case studies, it can be concluded that l
oads and dumping are a major source of error. Due to the absence of observa
tions over the vertical, the errors in the erosion/sedimentation processes
that govern the vertical exchange and the bed sediment load are difficult t
o assess. As such, concentration profile observations and synoptic remote s
ensing imagery are considered to provide an ideal and necessary combination
to monitor the SPM transport on a regional scale. (C) 2000 Elsevier Scienc
e B.V. All rights reserved.