Specimens of horse mackerel were killed by stabbing in the spinal bulb
or neck-breaking. After death, the fishes were stored at 0 degrees C.
The rate of progress of rigor-mortis, and the rate of change of conce
ntrations of energy-related compounds and breaking strength of the dor
sal muscle were investigated, The rate of progress of rigor-mortis in
the neck-breaking group was slower than that in the stabbing in the sp
inal bulb group. The concentrations of ATP and creatine phosphate in t
he dorsal muscle immediately after killing in the neck-breaking group
mere higher than those in the stabbing in the spinal bulb group. Conve
rsely, the initial values of concentrations of IMP and lactic acid wer
e lower in the neck-breaking group. No significant differences were ob
served in the changing rates of breaking strength of the muscle and K-
value. From these results, if. was considered that the killing procedu
re by neck-breaking was able to delay the changes in rates of rigor-mo
rtis and energy-related compounds in muscle compared with the treatmen
t by stabbing in the spinal bulb.