Legitimate genotype frequency estimation for multiallelic loci relies on co
mponent allele frequencies, as population surveys represent only a fraction
of possible DNA profiles. Multilocus genotypes from two ethnic human popul
ations, African American (n=195) and U.S. Caucasian (n=200), were compiled
at 13 STR loci that are used worldwide in forensic investigation (D3S1358,
vWA, FGA, D16S539, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13
S317, and D7S820). Sex-specific AmpFISTR(TM) multiplexes provided stringent
PCR-based STR typing specifically optimized for multicolor fluorescence de
tection, Heterozygosity at each STR locus ranged from 0.57 to 0.89 and enco
mpassed from seven (TH01) to twenty-one (D21S11) alleles. Homozygosity test
s, tests based on the distinct numbers of observed homozygous and heterozyg
ous classes, log likelihood ratio tests, and exact tests assessed that the
degree of divergence from theoretical Hardy-Weinberg proportions for all 13
STRs does not have practical consequence in genotype frequency estimation.
Departures from linkage equilibrium, between loci, that imposed significan
ce to forensic calculations were not indicated by observed variance of the
number of heterozygous loci or Karlin interclass correlation rests. For for
ensic casework, reliable multilocus profile estimates may be obtained from
the product of component genotype frequencies, each calculated through appl
ication of the Hardy-Weinberg equation to population database allele freque
ncy estimates reported here. The average probability that two randomly sele
cted, unrelated individuals possess an identical thirteen-locus DNA profile
was one in 1.8X10(15) African Americans and one in 3.8X10(14) U.S. Caucasi
ans. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.